
Unlocking the Hidden Truths of Parental Guilt with Dr. Yael Schonbrun

Life’s Dirty Little Secrets Podcast Episode #7 with Dr. Yael Schonbrun


Tips for Finding Joy and Self-Compassion in Parenting

In our latest episode, hosts Chris McCurry and Emma Waddington sit down with psychologist Dr. Yael Schonbrun for an eye-opening chat about parental guilt and the surprising ways to tackle it. From debunking myths to sharing personal stories, we’ve got a lot to unpack. So, let’s dive right in!

 The Myth That We Should Always Love Parenting

Parenting isn’t always a walk in the park, and Yael made sure to point that out. One of the biggest myths that society pushes is that parents should enjoy every single moment of it. Newsflash: It’s more like a rollercoaster with its fair share of ups and downs. Yael highlighted the exhausting nature of parenting and stressed the importance of taking breaks and asking for help. It’s time to forget those picture-perfect Instagram moments and embrace the real, messy side of parenting.

 Study Insight: Israeli Reservists and Parental Burnout

Yael dropped some serious knowledge by citing a study that might surprise you. It turns out that Israeli reservists—basically, folks who step into another demanding role—experience less burnout from parenting. The logic is fascinating: engaging in other activities, even if they’re hard, gives you a mental break and recharges your batteries. So, it appears that self-care isn’t just about bubble baths and quiet walks; it’s also about balancing different aspects of your life.

 Self-Care Beyond the 9-to-5

One of the central themes of the conversation was self-care, and not just for those with a nine-to-five job. Yael explained how our diverse roles – as parents, partners, professionals, and more – can actually complement each other. With the right mindset, these roles can work together to make us happier and more balanced. The key takeaway? Self-care isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. It’s about finding what works for you and making it a part of your routine.

 The Transfer Effect: Borrowing Skills

Have you ever noticed how the problem-solving skills you use at work come in handy when you’re dealing with a tantrum at home? That’s what Yael calls the transfer effect. Skills learned in one area can boost your capabilities in another. It’s pretty cool – think of it as cross-training for your brain, making you a better parent and employee.

 The Stress Buffer Effect: Role Switching for the Win

Next, Yael talked about the stress buffer effect, which is crazy useful. Having multiple roles acts as a cushion during tough times by letting you shift gears. Switching from your parenting role to your professional role (or vice versa) can give your brain the break it needs to recharge. This kind of flexibility not only builds resilience but also helps you handle stress better.

 The Additive Effect: Finding More Purpose

Then there’s the additive effect. Juggling different roles might seem overwhelming, but it actually enriches your life by adding layers of purpose and meaning. Yael reminded us that although balancing various responsibilities is tough, it brings diverse experiences and a fuller life. It’s all about finding the silver lining and enjoying the ride.

 Building Supportive Narratives for Yourself -Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Yael introduced us to a powerful tool called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). It’s all about reshaping the stories we tell ourselves and making them work for us, not against us. Focusing on growth and positive narratives can turn our inner critic into a supportive coach. It’s a game-changer for anyone dealing with self-doubt and guilt.

 The Power of Language

Chris emphasized the importance of language in shaping our mental flexibility. Avoiding all-or-nothing thinking and reframing our thoughts can make a world of difference. Yael agreed and pointed out that it’s crucial to check if our thoughts are helpful and true. We’re not just guiding our own lives; we’re also modeling behavior for our kids.

 Emma’s Real-Life Pivot: Handling the Unexpected

Emma shared a poignant story of pivoting from a serious work call to comforting her child who was grieving over a pet chicken. It was a perfect example of psychological flexibility in action. Handling unexpected situations with grace and adaptability is key to managing the many roles we play.

 Building Resilience and Celebrating Small Wins

Yael wrapped things up by emphasizing the importance of breaking down tasks into small, manageable pieces. Achieving “small wins” can build resilience and make larger challenges more surmountable. It’s about celebrating those tiny victories instead of rushing through life. Both Yael and Chris underscored the need to savor these moments and not just barrel ahead to the next task.

 The Importance of Being Present

The conversation also touched on the power of being present. Chris shared a memorable quote about true generosity towards the future being rooted in living fully in the present. Mindfulness enhances the quality of our parenting and helps us find joy in everyday moments. In a world filled with distractions, this mindset can be immensely rewarding.

 Final Thoughts

This episode was a treasure trove of insights about handling parental guilt and embracing psychological flexibility. Yael Schonbrun shared valuable tips on everything from task switching to crafting supportive narratives. Her wisdom offers practical tools to make parenting a joyous and self-compassionate journey. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, make sure to check it out. And as always, we’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for future episodes. Stay tuned for more!

If you are looking for help, please get in touch with our team of friendly therapists in Singapore who would be more than happy to help.