
How Are You Doing? – A Mental Health Awareness Campaign

Mental health Is…….. HEALTH!!


At Us Therapy, we understand how important it is for each person to feel like they belong to a community i.e., organization (employer) that supports their well-being. Our goal is to create a community that supports reducing mental health stigma, increasing access to high-quality psychological support, and fostering a shared sense of purpose and meaning.

As part of our vision, we are excited to propose the “How Are You Doing?” campaign, aimed at raising awareness about mental health, reducing stigma, and encouraging open conversations about mental and emotional well-being.

Campaign Objectives:

  • To promote mental health awareness and destigmatize mental health issues.
  • To encourage people to ask the question “How Are You Doing?” and genuinely listen to the response by offering a safe space for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings.
  • To provide resources and information about mental health support and self-care.
  • To foster a sense of community and support for individuals/employees struggling with mental health challenges.

The “How Are You Doing?” campaign aims to create a culture of openness and support when it comes to mental health. By asking a simple question, we can make a profound impact on someone’s life. Together, let’s start meaningful conversations, reduce stigma, and provide a lifeline for those in need.

We would like to offer this unique opportunity free to all your employees in your organization. Wherein we would do a mental health check in to see how they’re doing and where possible give them some takeaways that could support them further.

All we need is a table space with a sign and relevant promotion to the employees to avail this unique non obligatory opportunity 

Upcoming events:

Physio Down Under
New Mothers Support Group
Osler Health Raffles
The Co.


I also have a summary of the events:

Summary of Emma’s visit to Osler Health
Emma spent the 10th October, mental health awareness day at Osler Health in Star Vista. It was a great morning where she got to speak to all the GP about mental health. Wonderful conversation were had on the different needs of the patients they saw. Issues around mental health whilst undergoing fertility treatment and challenges with coping when relocating were all important topics.

The goal of the morning was to raise awareness for the importance of having the opportunity to check in with how you’re doing. It was a great kick off to the campaign!


Summary of Natasha’s visit to Expat Hair
We never thought we would do a campaign at a hair salon! But thanks to Kat’s enthusiasm and incredible support for the importance of mental health we did it!

Natasha spent the afternoon at the salon and was able to have a number of conversations with clients. It was humbling to see how open and honest people were. Being able to talk about the importance of looking after our mental health wellbeing with the members of staff was met with support, curiosity and a desire to support the customers. It was a wonderful afternoon filled with touching exchanges and heartwarming conversations.


Summary of Veralyn’s visit to Living Cafe:
Veralyn was at the Living Cafe and set up on a table at the front of the room.
The afternoon was spent talking to patrons and members of staff. There was laughter and sadness, expressions of worry and joy. Veralyn did a few exercises on expressing emotions using art therapy and it was so much fun.

The afternoon ended after a few nibbles and tea. The staff were wonderful and so enthusiastic! It was great to see how open they were to talking about mental health and the passion they had to raise awareness for the importance of these conversations.


Summary of Karen’s talk at playgroup:
Karen Hurworth, counsellor for children, teens and adults at US therapy, joined with moms, dads and babies at The Hollandase Club to offer tips and suggestions to parents for self-care and self-compassion while in a caretaking role.
Often the challenges of parenting can cause thoughts of “I’m not good enough”, or “I’m not cut out for being a parent”.  These thoughts create feelings of inadequacy, stress, overwhelm and sometimes depression.
Karen suggests taking time to recognise what you need and then giving yourself permission to meet your needs. It’s important to take time for yourself to do the things that bring you joy such as listening to music, dancing, hanging out with friends and exercising.  This is self-care and will not only enhance your life, but it will also recharge your batteries so that you can care for those who need you.
Unfortunately, we don’t always get the time we want to address our needs. The problem with many self-care strategies is that they need to be done “off the job” when often we’re “on the job”.  Karen suggests practicing self-compassion breaks and soothing touch since these practices can be done anywhere at any time.
Having self compassion entails naming your suffering, acknowledging that it’s part of the human condition and that you’re not alone in what you’re feeling, and then saying a phrase to yourself that comforts you in your situation. Some examples are, “May I have patience”, “May I recognise that I’m enough”, or “May I accept  myself as I am.”
A second strategy, offering yourself soothing touch, activates the parasympathetic system, which calms down our nervous system in stressful times much the way cradling an upset baby can soothe them. Try adopting a touch that feels comfortable to you.  Some ideas are, placing both hands on your heart, placing one hand on your heart and the other on your abdomen, or placing both hands on your face. You might also try crossing your arms and stroking your forearms in a downward motions with your hands. Our skin is an incredibly sensitive organ and research indicates that physical touch provides a sense of security, soothes distressing emotions and calms stress. Once you have found a comforting touch, take 5-10 slow, deep inhales and long exhales.
Being a parent is full of struggles, but also full of joys.  All emotions are valid and are a part of the human condition. Practicing self-care, self-compassion and self-soothing can help regulate our emotions during times of suffering.